7 Bamboes Street Chantelle, Akasia 0182, Pretoria, South Africa

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+27 (12) 525 1298

Global Certificate
ISO 9001:2017

Accreditation 3

The Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA) serves the safety and security environment of South Africa with the facilitation of skills development and qualifications. It promotes a culture of ongoing learning, and creates opportunities for skills transfer for all South Africans seeking recognised industry qualifications.

Accreditation 2

Services SETA facilitates skills development by establishing learning programmes such as learnerships, skills programmes, internships and other strategic learning initiatives. This is done through the disbursement of grants to employers and training providers, and mornitor the quality of occupation-based training within the services sector scope as delegated by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations […]

Accreditation 1

The SETA is mandated to promote and facilitate the delivery of education, training and development in order to enhance the skills profile of the Education, Training and Development (ETD) sector and contribute to the creation of employment opportunities especially for those previously disadvantaged.